9,10,11 Apple Pickin'

September 10, 2011

Today is 9/10/11 and we continue to settle in. We revisited our kitchen countertop quotes and will order on Monday. Mike and the girls came over for a visit today and Jeff & Danielle brought Bailey and Bridget over to spend the weekend. Sunday is their anniversary so we thought we'd give them some time off. We were surprised to find 6 apples on our tree when we got home from Erie but this morning there were only 5 with a few fresh deer tracks around. This is the first year they let them get red. Since everyone was here we figured we should have a fall-back annual apple picking outing in case we don't make it to the orchard. Bailey bought a paint ball gun and got supplies today so we had to try it out in the back. They are now out back helping Nana with the yard work, they are great helpers and I am sure Bailey is thinking of all the paint balls he will be able to buy.