Arizona 4

May 16, 2022

Got a call Sunday morning that Bridget's car was broken into and things stolen. Jeff and Danielle went to her apartment to help her through the trauma. We were planning on a long bike ride with Jeff down the Queen Creek Wash so we went on our own. It was a 15 mile ride to the end of the wash trail and back. It was 105 degrees but we took our time, made many water stops and it was a comfortable and enjoyable ride. We even found two golf balls to add to our collection. Jeff and Danielle returned with Bridget and it wasn't bad. She filed a police report and only glove box items and her work ID were taken. All are replaceable. Bailey stopped by for a visit and to get some support for his first day of work in the morning. The 'kids' left and we went to Power Ranch for Sunday night bingo. We had a lot of fun and probably upset a few of the more serious bingoers. Jeff and Danielle both won door prizes and Alesa won a game of bingo. The night was a success for entertainment and financial gain. When Alesa won her game and they checked the card, they said it was not a win because they had not called G57. But the crowd begged to differ, as it had been called, and she had the win. They took a break between games and we were able to go outside and see the beginning of the total lunar eclipse. It was total on our way home and we watched the moon reemerge later that night. Monday was a busy day as Jeff and Danielle went back to work, at home. Alesa and I dug out a bush from the front yard. It was a large bush with very tough spikes which had to be cut back to get to the roots. The desert ground was like concrete but, after soaking it, it became mud. After using a Sawzall to clear the spines from a side of the plant we were able to dig below the roots and pull the bush out. Again, in 105 degree heat. We then removed a bush next to the pool. After trimming most of the spreading branches it pulled out from the softer ground. That evening we went to Lowe's and bought a small date palm. I dug a new hole next to the one left in the front yard and Jeff planted the palm. They will put pavers over the spot of other removed bush to enlarge the pool deck. We got a call from Bailey and he was over-the-moon happy with his new job and had a great first day.