Camp Nana-Papa /The End

August 16, 2008

What a great week.  The kids got along so well and are at that perfect age where they are little people who can keep themselves busy and are not yet afraid to be seen with their grandparents.  We took the girls home this morning as they were leaving for the shore with Lisa around lunch time so camp is officially over.  No real problems during the week.  Anni had a cough and then a fever later in the week.  She never really felt bad and Tylenol broke the fever.  At one point we thought we may be stuck with the "Croup Troupe Group" but, luckily, it was not to be.  At one point Nana gave all of them a set of foam earplugs.  I thought she got it backwards, but, oh well.  Now we are finding colorful foam plugs stuffed in holes all over the house.  We know what we will be doing next week and I am sure there are other surprises awaiting us as we get ready to head for Maine toward the end of the month.

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