Christmas Eve
Jeff and family came over to celebrate Christmas Eve with us and we Facetimed with Mike and the girls after dinner. Mike had shipped us a package of our gifts so we opened ours and they opened theirs during the call. It was a great get-together but we certainly miss having us all together for the holidays, but that is going to do along with past and planned visits. The girls were here over Thanksgiving and Mike plans to visit in April. Alesa prepared another fantastic holiday dinner which was enjoyed by all. We opened gifts with Jeff and family later in the evening after watching 'Spirited' as we all lamented on our overstuffed tummies. Jeff and family will be back over today to enjoy the turkey he smoked as well as revisiting food from yesterday and watch 'White Christmas'. Alesa had a recent MRI of her shoulder and, on Monday, we went to an appointment at Arizona Sports Medicine Center. This is the practice which supports the Phoenix professional teams. Alesa has a full tear of the upper tendon in the rotator cuff with a 1.5 inch separation. The doctor we saw gave us all the possible solutions with the only one with the best chance of actually solving the problem being surgery. Alesa agreed and he called in the surgeon who would be doing the surgery and he went over what would happen. We are extremely pleased with the doctors and the practice and have another appointment with the surgeon this Monday to finalize and schedule the surgery. Probably late January or early February, after Steve and Laura leave. Her right shoulder will be in a sling for six weeks then six more weeks of recuperation. She is already practicing daily activities without the use of her right arm and we are determining any changes which should be made to the house. She is also deciding what she will let me do to help.