Craig & Janet

June 23, 2012

The temperature rose to a steamy 105 on Thursday, perfect for Alesa's brother and his wife Janet's visit from Naples, FL. They flew in on Thursday and, after a bout with bottomless rootbeer floats at Red Robin (Yum!), we stopped by to see Jeff and family before coming home. Friday we toured Amish country and shopped at the Lancaster outlets before heading into Philadelphia. Due to the heat we did an auto tour before ending the day with snacks and drinks at the Four Seasons and a visit to the new Barnes Art Museum. Saturdat we got up early and drove to Trenton to take the train into NY city. We got off at Penn Station and walked through Times Square, Rockefeller Center and Central Park before taking the subway down to Ground Zero and Battery Park. Then a subway ride to Harold Square and a short walk to Penn Station and a ride back home. We were going to stop at Mike's but they were at a 6th grade graduation party. We will see them and Jeff's family on Sunday when they all come over for a family picnic with Craig and Janet. Sunday will be a day of rest then off to Philadelphia for a walking epicurean tour of the city. Craig and Janet will be here until Wednesday.