Flying Home
We took the 'kids' to the airport this morning for a 9:30 flight and they arrived safely in Philadelphia at around 3:45. They were all headed up to visit with Mike this evening. Yesterday the 'kids' went for a bike ride before we headed to the Phoenix Natural History Museum in Mesa (at their request). The bike ride was to visit a place a few miles away which we pass on our bike rides where there are emus, llamas, alpacas, goats and who knew what else. When they got there a lady came out and was nice enough to give them a tour and explain what was there. After the museum we all put on our swimsuits and headed to Jeffs for a farewell swim. We had a great time visiting with Jeff, Bailey and Nicki in the pool. Of course, there was drinking and a few games of floating beer pong. We came home around 7 to eat then I took them back to Jeff's to go bar hopping with Bailey and Nicki to include the bar where Bridget was working. They took an Uber up to Tempe and Waymo'ed when driving was required before Ubering back here before 2 AM. They left Bailey, Nicki and friends to party on and they left early since they had to get up at 6 AM to get to the airport. Oh, to be young again. BTW, Waymos are driverless cars which will drive you around town although they do not come out this far. It did take some getting used to see them driving around in traffic.