Frontier Town - Day 2

June 24, 2010

Today was a full day, to say the least. How do they do it?  We got up and fixed breakfast and the kids helped clean up.  Then off again to Assateague Island to swim in the surf.  I took them out past the breakers one at a time and let them bob in the surf and later they were out there all by themselves swimming and body surfing, they all did great and are such water babies. It was alot of work fighting the surf while keeping an eye on each one of them even though we were right in front of the lifeguard.  Each one had their turn getting knocked over by a big, unexpected wave and came up sputtering and looking scared but were right back at it after a little TLC.  Again we saw wild horses, deer, dolphin and a live crab that never took his/her eyes off them as it sidled back to the water.  We came back for lunch then off to the pool for an hour or so.  Then, after a snack and plenty of liquid to stay hydrated, it was off to the water park.  We closed that place at 6 so we could get another snack before heading off to a hayride.  While we were waiting, they had a show with bull whips and rope tricks.  The hayride around the park was fun with a cowpoke playing a guitar and leading the group in song.  Their favorite was "If you're happy, throw some hay".  We had just finished cleaning sand out of their hair now we had to do hay.  We stopped at the gate for pictures with "Jaws" then headed to Ocean City for the promised McDonald's dinner and ice cream.  We stopped at the Food Lion on the way back to restock the larder.  Needless to say after some more Harry Potter, they had little trouble falling asleep.  We kept the AC on because a storm blew in and the kids had been bothered by barking dogs and campground activity the night before.  Whew!

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