Gilbert Day 20

December 6, 2021

The recycle ponds are as full as we have seen them, probably due to the cooler weather and less irrigation. Today was an active if not physically active day. Both Jeff and I got our hair cut, Danielle had her nails done and Alesa watched her Wondrium courses. Jeff and I transferred the title to the motorcycle, and I took it for a short ride with the Arizona plates. When I called to cancel my insurance, they needed my credit card information before they could cancel it. I wasn't too concerned because I had been told that Florida makes you jump through hoops to cancel vehicle insurance but into the call I realized something wasn't quite right, so I hung up. I called the credit card company to get a new number to be safe, and all is well. Turns out I transposed some numbers on the call. I called the right number and cancelled the insurance. Florida will require me to turn in the plate. Jeff, Danielle, Alesa and I went to dinner at Barrio Queen and had our favorite burritos to celebrate Alesa's birthday (on the 15th). The burritos are a full dinner and excellent. Also determined Christmas gifts so we could have things in place since we will be at Mike's on Christmas Eve. Began packing for our trip home Wednesday. We are leaving a lot of things here to minimize packing in the future since we will be flying for most if not all future trips (2,080 miles).