Gooey Cookie Video

May 9, 2020

Checked the car yesterday morning and, again, it wouldn't start. Figured it had to be the battery not being able to hold a charge. Called around and the Ford dealer had the best price so I drove over and replaced it. Still concerned it may not have been the battery but it started this morning so problem solved. Recorded Alesa making gooey cookies so she could send it to people who are having trouble making them. It was a little rough and I missed part of it so we will have to try again. We are working hard to get through this batch so she can make them again. Took a nice walk on the Okeechobee golf course as it was closed. Today Alesa worked outside and I trimmed the yard and I built her a bridge for the squash to grow over. We did take a short neighborhood walk and I went to the pool and swam laps. Got a call from the VA to reschedule my second shingles shot which was cancelled in early April. It will be a drive-by appointment where I pull up next to the building and open the window. Alesa and I had a lot of fun going over the possible scenarios such as a drive by shooting with a dart gun.