Happy May Day, Cinco De Mayo and Mothers' Day

May 16, 2019

Happy Mothers' Day. Alesa was interested in doing the '23andme' DNA testing for health information so I got her the test and she has submitted it. She is also doing an optional on-line survey as part of it and it is taking forever. It will be interesting to see how their findings match with her input. (OR, if they just return findings to match her input.) Also, how well the ancestor results match 'Ancestry". Alesa received calls from the boys on Mothers' day. Mike's call was a 'Facetime' and we caught up with the whole family. Jeff will be packing and moving from his house on the 14/15th and closing on his Phoenix house on the 19th. We will be flying up, helping to pack and driving one of his cars to Phoenix on a 'Great Family Roadtrip'. Bridget turned 16 on the 9th but will wait until the move to Arizona before getting a learner's permit. Then all 4 grandkids will be drivers.