Home again, again

October 4, 2009

We pulled into the driveway last night at about 9:30.  We attended Tilly Dudenhoffer's memorial and mass at St. Mary's West and then had a nice drive home.  It was overcast when we left, sunny most of the way home, a heavy rain about 5 miles from home but dry when we got here.  I was worried about pulling the trailer up a wet driveway but we only had a short sprinkle after we arrived.   The leaves were changing in the mountains so we had splashes of color much of the way.   Alesa already misses life at Lampe but I believe that will be forgotten on first sight of a grandchild.   Jeff and family will be over later after visiting with Danielle's family.  Congratulations to Lisa and her 75 mile bike ride to Ocean City, NJ for MS on Saturday.  Sorry we weren't there to see you off.  But, not too sorry since it was at 5AM.   

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