It has been a long two days

August 31, 2009

Thursday the ladies went to Eastport and shopping at Raye's Mustard.  I stayed home and shot and fished and had a good day at both.  In the afternoon I took a ladder in to Steve at the studio and we patched the roof because storms were forecasted.  He was then free for a day off on Friday and we all went golfing.  Dave, Gretchen and Ingrid came that evening for a weekend visit.   Saturday was a rainy day so we forsook lake fishing to take care of  a couple of burn piles Steve has been building over the years.  They were some big bonfires with no chance of spreading because of a constant drizzle throughout the day.  We left GLS on Sunday morning after another fantastic visit and traveled across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and into northern New York to visit Denny & Roni in the Adirondacks.  It was an almost eleven hour trip and was a very long day.  It was made a little longer because we broke a belt on one of our rear tires on the way up and the tread was beginning to separate about the time we hit New York so I put on the temporary spare and we limped the last 60 miles to the Marshalls.  We had a nice, albeit short, visit with them, saw the progress on their 'camp upgrade' and left this morning for the trip home.  We stopped at the WalMart in Amsterdam on the way and replaced both rear tires because the other was showing the same symptoms.  Even though there was a crowd we were done and back on the road in about 45 minutes.  We got back home at about 5:30 tonight.

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