It's October

October 4, 2011

And the weather has cooled down considerably, not bad for the Fall. Saturday was a catch up day with a lot of little projects. Sunday we met the Goodman's at the Exton Diner for brunch then went over to Jeff's to visit, check out Bridget's broken arm, deliver some hand-me-down clothes for Bridget from Mike's girls, commisurate with Bailey over his reent lack of attention and take over a 5 foot section of our old kitchen counter for use as a shelf over their washer and dryer AND watch the Eagles lose. Monday Bridget got her cast, purple with a wide pink spiral stripe, and that night we went to dinner at the Schwed's. They just returned from a two week train and road trip to the Northwest coast. We heard all about the trip and caught up on all of our health issues. This morning I went to the Veterans' breakfast at the Exton diner. They are held every 3 weeks but it's been a while for me since we have been traveling.