Last Day

June 25, 2019

We will fly back to Philly in the morning so today is our last full day in AZ. The heavy work is done and Jeff and family are 'at home' and down to the 'settling' tasks such as registering the cars, changing drivers' licenses, looking at schools for Bridget and learning the house. This morning the 'pool guy' came and went over the operation of the pool, we took some items to Goodwill and they went to the dreaded DMV. Registering the cars was relatively easy except for the unexpected charges for the initial registration from another state. Licenses were another matter because of the requirement for address verification. After a 3 hour wait Jeff had to come home for a gas bill and when he got back the 'passport' machine wasn't working and they were closing so he couldn't get a new license. Danielle and Bailey did but Jeff was fit to be tied. They are very concerned about establishing residency for a major reduction in Bailey's tuition at ASU. After the dust settled we all went out to Top Golf for a very relaxing evening. Then back to Jeff's to pack and get to bed for an early rising for the trip to the airport.