Our across the street neighbor, Mike is recovering well from his knee replacement on the 3rd. He is now walking with a cane so his daughter, Michelle was able to head home this morning after a long stay. Took them both out to dinner on the 21st. Got to the neurosurgeon on Friday and he feels that a synovial cyst is pinching a nerve and it will require surgery. It normally takes over a month to schedule and we were looking for times when we got back from our trip to Arizona. They then found a cancellation for the15th of May so we said "book it". It will be an outpatient procedure in Claremont. I have a cyst on either side so he will remove both to prevent future problems. We were very sad to postpone our AZ trip but I am sure my ongoing leg pain would not have been fun for me or for anyone else for that matter. We were also happy to be able to be here for Mike now that Michelle is gone. Hopefully it will solve my problem and not be an example of "If all you own is a hammer everything looks like nail.". That is to say that to a neurosurgeon everything looks like surgery. Had my pre-op bloodwork this morning and will meet with my pain doctor this afternoon to discuss the plan and review meds. Also meet with my regular doctor for pre-op clearance. Have been golfing a little as my leg allows but I pay a price in pain later, so I just rode around the course this Sunday. Went to dinner at Stumpknockers with Paul and Carol on Friday. Been eating delicious pears off our tree, don't know why the birds are leaving them alone this year. For the house, we are having open houses and showings, but things are very slow which is OK with us. My surgery could really complicate things.