Mothers' Day

May 13, 2010

Today was Bridget's birthday and Mothers' Day.  We drove to Mike's in the morning and then to Jeff's in the afternoon.  A 130 mile round trip but well worth it.  In addition to honoring the mothers and celebrating Bridget's 7th, we finalized plans for Camp Nana-Papa this summer.  We will be leaving here on June 21st with the trailer and all four grandkids.  we will spend two nights at a campground somewhere between here and Erie and we are hoping for a lot of activities at this campground.  On the 23rd we will go to Erie and set up at Lampe Campground to begin our two months as Campground hosts and finish Camp NP which will end on the 28th.  This coming weekend we will have Bridget for her birthday weekend and then both families will be coming over for Sunday dinner, something we haven't done in a while.   We are also scheduled to have the house painted and the roof on the addition replaced before we leave.

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