Our July

July 29, 2008

Finished IV antibiotic treatment on the 21st.  Had stopped draining the week before and haven't started up again.  The muscles seem a little sore but I don't really know what I should feel like.  I had a blood test yesterday and we are waiting to see if the infection returns.  So far so good.   We would still like to post to the blog at least once a week or so but after being in a new place in the country every other day for the last year, it's seems hard to find any new news fit to print.  We have kept busy around the house.  Alesa does her exercise every morning (treadmill and Wii Fit), gardening, reading, furniture refinishing, fixing up the house, cooking and housework.  I've been trying to help with the housework but I'm sure she feels it's a feeble effort.  We've both been reading in the afternoon which makes her happy.  I've read 3.2 books this week.  Probably as many as I have read in the last 20 years.  The .2 is Alan Greenspan's "The age of turbulance".  I am almost done with it but, while I am enjoying it, it can put you to sleep.  Mike's girls were in Invention camp last week so we went to see the final results on Friday and then brought them home with us for the weekend.  Mike and Lisa picked them up on Sunday and brought 'real' burgers to fix on the barbeque.   We made a few batches of Rice Krispies treats.  The last batch I made with Cinnamon Toast Crunch instead.   Haven't seen Jeff & family for awhile but I am sure we will get down there soon since Friday is his birthday.