Post Christmas

December 28, 2011

Took the truck into the shop on Monday and blew copious volumes of smoke all the way. The bad news is that I have a blown headgasket and the good news is that it is covered under warranty. The job should take about a week. Spent a lot of time collecting our extra 'stuff' and taking it to Goodwill and Habitat before the end of the year. Today we drove to Mike's to visit the girls, get updated on their Christmas, see their new turtle, Chipper, and take them to lunch at Panera's. They are making plans to go to London next year to visit the Harry Potter studio and other tour-isty things. Then we drove to Jeff's to catch up on their Christmas, check out their new 3D TV, see how Bridget's tooth repair went and make sure they are recovering from their winter ailments. Bridget's teeth look great and they are all feeling better.