
September 29, 2022

Ian missed us and stayed to the south. It was a bit windy through the night and we got a couple of inches of rain but we got a good night's sleep and everything is good this morning. Wind probably didn't get over 25 knots but it was steady so there is plenty of small debris scattered about, leaves and the like. We even had the newspaper delivered this morning, albeit soaking wet. Still a little breezy and rainy but things should get back to normal pretty quickly once the businesses open up again. After Alesa finished her VR tennis session this morning, we took a golf cart ride around the area. The residential areas were very clean but the public areas had a lot of palm fronds littering the golf cart paths and golf courses. Residents keep their palm trees trimmed while the public areas depend on Mother Nature to do the job and trim the dead fronds. She did her job last night so the clean-up crews will be busy.