
March 10, 2022

40s at night and 90s during the day or 60s both day and night, that's this spring in Florida. 2 weeks with no rain and 2 weeks with nothing but rain but we just work around it. Our puppy duties ended on the 4th and, just like grandkids, you are happy to see them come and happy to see them go. We enjoyed the experience and are missing Miles so we replaced the two door stops he chewed up with puppy door stops. They are much easier to care for and they work for a living. Had follow up appointments with my cardiologist and GP and all is well. Still have a slight cough and am more tired than normal but the doctors say that is to be expected. Started PT for my shoulder last week. Need to do that before they will order an MRI. Shoulder not affecting much except keeping me out of water volleyball. We are walking more to compensate. Alesa is planting a lot of flowers and I planted peas. The peach and lemon trees are in bloom. Alesa got the results of her stress tests and holter monitor and everything looks great. The thresholds for the laminate were installed Wednesday and we had the final inspection today so we are done with that project. Craig and Janet were up on Tuesday, which was Janet's birthday, so we had to celebrate with a corned beef and cabbage dinner followed by cake and ice cream and a rowdy round of "Happy Birthday". Played golf with Jeff on the Oculus VR system. After the round we stick around and visit. We move around the area and this course happened to have an airport next to it. You can't 'transport' yourself to some areas like water but you can get close and walk in. We did that and took pictures of each other.