
January 31, 2011

After spending Tuesday recovering from our skiing trip we awoke on Wednesday to 10 inches of new snow.  We cancelled an early appointment to have the truck inspected and one to have Alesa's filling replaced, blew out the driveway and started to get back to a normal routine.  On Thursday I awoke with a sore knee and 10 inches of new snow.  After working out the kinks in the knee I blew out the driveway with Alesa's help.  Mike has been trying to get the toboggan so we met him and the girls at Ruby's Diner in the King of Prussia mall for lunch and a toboggan transfer.  The girls were looking forward to a milkshake for dessert but were too full so they had to wait until they got home.  We took the truck in for state inspection and caught up on some shopping.  The truck passed so there is one more 'going south' roadblock out of the way.  I also started feeling poorly with cold/flu symptoms so we settled in.  Friday morning I woke up with a swollen knee and felt very sick so I spent the day icing my knee and resting on the couch.  Alesa continued to paint the kitchen cabinets and nurse me.  Saturday I felt worse so we went to urgent care at the VA.  They said the knee was arthritis and I should continue to ice it and except for a slight fever and some post nasal drip everything looked good.  They gave me a pain shot and sent me home to rest.  After a few days of rest and excellent nursing care I am beginning to feel much better.  The VA nurse called today to see how I was doing.  Something always tries to get in the way of our trips down south but after my sleep study on Wednesday night, Annika's birthday weekend, Alesa's dentist appointment to replace a filling and my quarterly VA appointment on the 9th we should be on our way.