A Wedding, a Funeral and tumbling tubs

October 14, 2009

We met Mike for lunch at Rock Bottom in the King of Prussia mall on Thursday and on Friday we went over to his house to install window sills, spend time with the girls and eat dinner.  Bailey and Bridget spent Saturday night with us so Jeff and Danielle could attend her high school reunion.  On Sunday we attended Kerry Schwed's wedding to Joe O'Connell and had a great time with good friends on a happy occasion.  On Monday my father passed away in Dallas.  He was 87 with health problems.  My mother had passed away the day after the Schweds' son was married so we told them we are glad they are out of kids because I am out of parents.  Today we tore out our main bathroom and are in the process of rebuilding.  We drove down to the Home Depot in Delaware to get the Veteran's discount and to save the sales tax.  We picked out a new tub but the color, style and configuration we needed was shrink-wrapped and stacked 6 high on the top shelf.  We watched the fork-lift driver play with the stack for about 45 minutes as he dodged rafters, lights, other stock and shelves before the whole stack toppled, broke apart and fell 30 feet to the floor.  No one was hurt but all 6 tubs were damaged.  Back out shopping tomorrow but we'll stay local.  Tomorrow is Mike's 39th birthday.  No! We don't feel old yet.
