Trip Log

July 16, 2024

Our son Mike finally made it home yesterday after over two weeks in the hospital. He has had a tough time of it, in addition to his surgery he has blood clots which they are removing with antibiotics plus a water heater in his rental leaked and flooded his basement.

July 16, 2024

We bought this house with a double bowl cast iron sink under a large granite counter. Alesa did not like it and wanted a single bowl composite sink. Neighbors in the Villages wanted to replace a sink under a granite countertop and were told it could not be done.

July 6, 2024

Jeff and family came over for the 4th for a picnic and pool party. All except Bailey who flew to Wisconsin to visit a friend over the holiday. We had a great day and I went to Jeff's in the PM to watch the Gilbert fireworks from his backyard.

July 1, 2024

Last Sunday we took a road trip to see Mt Lemmon, a ski resort on top of a mountain just north of Tucson. Bailey's friends had mentioned it to him, so he went with us. We drove through the desert on back roads to the southeast of town.

June 21, 2024

I have been remiss in posting to the blog and I suppose the longest day of the year is a good time to catch up. We have pretty much settled into a daily routine and travel for outdoor activity is pretty much limited because I am still having leg problems.

April 24, 2024

My sister Marilyn passed away on the 16th and we flew to Erie for the funeral and internment. She has been in a lot of pain lately and in palliative care for the last month.

April 10, 2024

On Monday, we had a visit from Sally Mayer whom we would always see when we visited Maine. She lives in Taos and was coming to Eloy, about 20 miles south of us, to sell a home she has there. She won't be there long so we are hoping to get down to see her again before she leaves.

April 4, 2024

Tonight, Jeff and Bailey took me out shooting. There is an indoor range behind our old gym which Jeff has wanted to try. They provide the weapons and you buy the ammunition and the range time. We went with 9mm and started with pistols and ended up with automatic rifles.

April 2, 2024

The other night, Alesa’s ribs really started to bother her. So, with the sudden increase in pain, as a caution we headed to the emergency room. The ribs had a slight fracture but there were no complications. There was nothing they could do but prescribe stronger meds.

March 28, 2024

Last Friday, Mike, our cross-street neighbor in The Villages, flew in and we picked him up at the airport. We all did a bit of hiking and a lot of touring. He and I spent a bit of time in the neighborhood hot tub and steam room, making all our aches feel a little better.
