Trip Log

November 26, 2024

We picked up the girls and Sam at the airport this afternoon and they settled in. We all went to in-n-out burger to eat and later went over to Jeff's to pick up his e-bike so they would have a third. We left them there so Jeff could ride back with them and the bikes.

November 25, 2024

Tomorrow, Elyse and Annika will be flying out to join us for Thanksgiving. Elyse's boyfriend, Sam, will also be coming so we can meet him. Alesa is continuing her shoulder PT but was able to talk the doctor into an MRI because she doesn't seem to be improving. She will have one next Thursday.

November 15, 2024

Finally had my back surgery on the 24th and all went well. It was a 6 hour surgery which was to be a laminectomy and fusion of L2 & L3 which went very well. He saw a lot of scar tissue on the previous L4 & L5, so he cleaned that out and redid that fusion as well.

November 14, 2024

Our son Michael is doing very well, all reconnected and moved into his new home. His girls will be coming out for Thanksgiving and he has decided to stay home and continue settling in and let us enjoy the girls.

October 2, 2024

Wow, haven’t posted in a long time but have plenty of excuses. Found that our irrigation was leaking up through the middle of the driveway. Worrying it would undermine the driveway we needed a quick solution.

August 22, 2024

Jeff's birthday was the 1st and Danielle's birthday was the 20th and they came over on both days so we could celebrate with them. Of course, both days included a cake, singing and a candle.

July 31, 2024

Craig and Janet picked us up at the Tamp airport on Friday and we are staying with them. Saturday, we all went up to The Villages to attend Mike's (our across-the-street neighbor) surprise 85th birthday party.

July 27, 2024

Flew out of Phoenix at 7 AM on the 23rd on a flight to Philly. Rented a car and drove to Phoenixville to see Mike. Felt bad that we couldn't be with him while he was going through his surgery but are very glad to be with him now. He is doing very well but still requires rest.

July 16, 2024

Our son Mike finally made it home yesterday after over two weeks in the hospital. He has had a tough time of it, in addition to his surgery he has blood clots which they are removing with antibiotics plus a water heater in his rental leaked and flooded his basement.

July 16, 2024

We bought this house with a double bowl cast iron sink under a large granite counter. Alesa did not like it and wanted a single bowl composite sink. Neighbors in the Villages wanted to replace a sink under a granite countertop and were told it could not be done.
