Trip Log

August 3, 2022

We slept in today and Laura went for her morning swim in the lake. Steve is guiding today so Alesa and Laura went to play pickleball and I walked around town. This afternoon we took a boat ride uplake to a place called "The Gut" for the weekly community picnic.

August 2, 2022

Left Mike's after a great visit and headed to Maine. The drive was not bad except for a minor delay over the George Washington Bridge in NYC. We spent Monday night in Andover Mass at an HI express.

July 31, 2022

On Saturday, Annika had to work, and Mike had some things to do so we visited with Ann Goodman at Shannondell at Valley Forge and headed over to our old neighborhood in Exton. We were trying to visit the Schweds but hey had commitments, so we missed them this time.

July 29, 2022

Drove to Mike's farm and stopped in Boyertown to visit the General Carl Spaatz Museum. Spaatz was a 16-year-old local boy who took over the family newspaper after his father was pressed into service to help the town recover from a disastrous opera house fire which claimed 179 lives.

July 28, 2022

Busy times preparing for our month-long trip north. Left Sanford on the auto-train around 5PM yesterday, arrived in Lorton around 9:30AM this morning and arrived at Mikes around 2. Had a room on the train and a nice evening meal.

July 17, 2022

Nothing much has been happening. Looking forward to seeing Mike and family in a week or so then on to Maine and Canada. Been golfing almost every day so Alesa can polish her game. The heat and humidity have been rough and rain threatens every day but we have been rained out only a few times.

June 24, 2022

Watched a few episodes of 'Bar Rescue' while in Arizona. One episode was about a bar just east of Tampa, so we decided we would try it someday. Today was the day.

June 21, 2022

Been getting caught up with yard work and general house work/maintenance. We have also been playing a lot of golf. Alesa has been very eager to practice to make her game better.

June 9, 2022

On Monday we started packing or at least thought about packing. Jeff started the flooring so we went to Harbor Freight to buy a multitool because he decided not to remove the baseboard. He will cut the baseboard to be able to fit the laminate and underlayment beneath it.

June 5, 2022

The original plan was to raft the Salt River with the girls and we decided to stick to the plan without them. Bailey invited a couple of friends and Bridget didn't go so there were seven of us. This was on Saturday so the crowds were unbelievable.
