Trip Log

August 14, 2022

Today was a golf day at Montmorency but since the reservations were made in a different time zone, we weren't exactly when the tee time was. So we went very early and learned the tee time was later. This gave us the chance to visit the Montmorency falls in the same area.

August 13, 2022

We had a nice drive to Quebec City and much of it along the St. Lawrence River. Not a lot of fun driving in a big city but we made it to the 'Chateau Bellevue' in downtown Quebec City by 3 as we gained an hour coming from Atlantic time.

August 12, 2022

Left Halifax yesterday morning after a wonderful visit and headed to Bayhurst, New Brunswick about 300 miles northwest. We took a little detour along the Acadia Coastal Drive to see a little more of the shore.

August 10, 2022

We went down to Peggy's Cove today about 25 miles Southwest of Halifax. It is a little seaside town on a rocky coast. It was a great ride down the coast as we drove around bays and through small villages and wilderness areas. There were a lot of tourists walking around town and the rocks.

August 9, 2022

Left the house at 8:30 and stopped at the Duty-Free shop before crossing the border. We each bought a bottle of our choice for our time in Canada. The border crossing went smoothly and we had a nice drive through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia before arriving at our hotel in Halifax at 3:30.

August 7, 2022

Spending time getting ready for our trip to Canada. With limited room in the Explorer, especially with four sets of golf clubs, we have to be careful about how much we pack.

August 4, 2022

Yesterday, we completed the "ArriveCAN" information required to enter Canada. This morning, Alesa, Laura and I drove to Calais and entered Canada across the 'Third Bridge'. This was a trial run to ensure no problems when we enter for our longer trip.

August 3, 2022

We slept in today and Laura went for her morning swim in the lake. Steve is guiding today so Alesa and Laura went to play pickleball and I walked around town. This afternoon we took a boat ride uplake to a place called "The Gut" for the weekly community picnic.

August 2, 2022

Left Mike's after a great visit and headed to Maine. The drive was not bad except for a minor delay over the George Washington Bridge in NYC. We spent Monday night in Andover Mass at an HI express.

July 31, 2022

On Saturday, Annika had to work, and Mike had some things to do so we visited with Ann Goodman at Shannondell at Valley Forge and headed over to our old neighborhood in Exton. We were trying to visit the Schweds but hey had commitments, so we missed them this time.
