Just keeping busy. A lot of hiking, a lot of dog walking and some pickleball. There is a lot of activity in the neighborhood as they are adding stone to the common areas. Jeff and Danielle are looking for a new bed so we have visited a number of furniture store with no decision yet.
Trip Log
After breakfast at the hotel we drove to Thumb Butte, a park on the west edge of town. We then drove around in the mountains for a while. We went by a few retirement communities on the way out of town and even went to an open house in a golf community.
Stopped in Carefree and Cave Creek on the way to Prescott. We walked the town center of Carefree and drove through a neighborhood of mountainside homes in Cave Creek. Very nice towns and homes.
Keeping busy with mostly hiking. Even took all of the dogs for a long walk. Opted out of pickleball with the group the other day because I felt a little tweak in a knee during a walk but it is feeling better now.
Continued to be rainy until today so shopping and football filled the days. (Prayers for Damar Hamlin.) Danielle got a new phone, Jeff got a new folding phone and Alesa got a new Fitbit. Everyone is back to work today but Jeff took some time off for a bike ride with us.
Happy New Year from a rainy Arizona. It will be raining all day and will give us a good opportunity to rest and recuperate. Jeff's family friends, the Pecks, came over and spent New Year's Eve with us.
Packed up and left Flagstaff around 9 this morning after a very comfortable stay in the VRBO. We left early because we took a side trip to Prescott on the way home. We ate breakfast at McDonalds and took a longer route for better scenery.
Woke up to about 9 inches of snow which grew to what looks like a foot during the morning. It was a light snow and Jeff shoveled the driveway and cleaned off the car after breakfast. The snowplows came through and we left for touring and shopping.
Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. Packed this morning and headed off to Flagstaff for a 2-night stay at a VRBO; Jeff, Danielle, Bailey, Alesa and me. Arrived about two hours before our check-in time of 4 so we drove by it then up to the Arizona Snow Bowl.
Today was the day to recover from the eating and TV watching on Christmas day. So we went for a family hike at the Riparian Preserve just above Gilbert.