Trip Log

March 6, 2009

Yesterday morning we finished packing the trailer, backed it out of the driveway and left home just before 10 AM.  It wasn't long before we crossed the Mason-Dixon line into Maryland, 12 miles later crossed the Potomac River into West Virginia and 26 miles miles later crossed no particular featur

March 3, 2009

The trailer must be a magnet for snow because we had a snowstorm shortly after parking it in the driveway.  We have the snow cleared away but it has gotten very cold and is even colder where we are headed in Virginia and North Carolina.  We have delayed our departure until Thursday when the forec

February 28, 2009

Jeff's kids' school had an in-service day and the kids were home but Jeff and Danielle had to work so we went down early Friday morning and watched the kids for the day.  We made pizza for dinner and popcorn balls for dessert.  Since we were picking up the trailer near there on Saturday we spent

February 23, 2009

We are getting ready to hit the road South with the trailer on March 3rd although my Dad is in the hospital in Texas with pneumonia and on life support.   He has a living-will so plans are a little tentative right now.  Last week we bought a magic jack to plug into the computer for phone service

February 16, 2009

Yesterday, Sunday, we took the train downtown to meet Mike and family for the Chinese New Year celebration in Chinatown.  We watched the dragons go from shop to shop in a loud parade and light fireworks to scare away evil spirits to insure good luck throughout the year.  We then made our usual st

February 14, 2009

On Tuesday we went over to Mike's for Annika's seventh birthday.  We took an ice cream cake and a requested bag of chocolate.  We had dinner, sang and then cake.  Somehow in the course of the evening we got to talking about Mike's two dogs and ticks and that led to a discussion about other kinds

February 9, 2009

Yesterday was Annika's birthday party but, it being a kids' affair, we decided we would go over on her birthday (the 11th) instead.  But now we are going to a funeral in Maryland that day so we will have to pick another.  Such a busy calendar.  Bailey called asking if his sun catcher was dry yet

February 4, 2009

We spent the night at Jeff's last Tuesday in preparation for watching the kids the following day while Danielle went in for an in-service day.  We went the night before because of the threat of snow which did cause the morning meeting to be cancelled but we did enjoy spending the time with the ki

January 26, 2009

Last week, as Alesa recovered from her cold, we got the trailer state inspected with no problems and also had them reseal the roof.  Getting the trailer on the road combined with the recent cold snap got us yearning for a trip south.  Our current plans are to head into the Carolinas in March for

January 15, 2009

We arrived home last Friday from Lake Placid and have settled back into a routine including going to the gym almost every day.  We started the hot tub back up and it sure helps take the chill off of these cold days.  Today we took a day trip to York, Pa.
